content for 2 (Tagatose)

Tagatose is a delicious, versatile, rare sugar:

Occurs in tiny quantities in some fruits and grains.

Is not fake or weird tasting. Tagatose tastes nearly identical to sucrose (table sugar), without any bitter notes or off-flavors. 90% as sweet as regular sugar.

Similar technical properties as regular sugar; easy full or partial replacement of traditional sweeteners in a variety of foods & beverages.

Blends well with high-intensity sweeteners (e.g., Stevia), improving their flavor and providing bulk/mouthfeel.

Healthy: low glycemic index (only 3, compared to 68 for sucrose and 100 for glucose); safe for teeth; low-calorie; good for gut health.

Tagatose has been available commercially for over 15 years, but it is very expensive. The typical production process starts with relatively high-cost raw material (usually derived from milk), has expensive processing steps, and results in relatively low yields. Bonumose’s breakthrough process, however, starts with low-cost, abundant, plant-based raw material; has relatively inexpensive, enzymatic processing steps; and results in extremely high yields.