content for 4 (Healthy)

Tagatose is healthy and still great tasting:

Low glycemic. Tagatose has a glycemic index of 3 compared to 68 for sucrose and 100 for glucose. Consumption of tagatose does not increase blood sugar or insulin. In fact, tagatose was proven in phase 3 clinical trials to decrease blood sugar levels in diabetics, and is approved in European food labeling regulations for blood glucose lowering claims.

Safe for teeth. Tagatose does not cause dental cavities. In fact, tagatose is proven to break-up dental biofilm. So not only does it not hurt dental health, it actually improves it.

Low-calorie. Tagatose has only 38% of regular sugar’s calories. Tagatose is absorbed only 20% in the small intestine, with 80% entering the large intestine where it feeds the good gut bacteria. There’s evidence tagatose actually contributes to weight loss, not weight gain.

Prebiotic. Tagatose is a prebiotic. It is like soluble dietary fiber. In the large intestine, it increases the production of beneficial short-chain fatty acids, leading to a healthy gut. Good gut health is associated with good brain function and overall health.

Tagatose is not just not bad for you. It is good for you. Beyond benign, tagatose is beneficial. Here is more health information about tagatose.

content for 3 (Natural)

Unlike many sugar alternatives on the market today, tagatose is not artificial. It was not discovered by accident by a chemist working with coal tar, or frankenstein-ed together by inserting chlorine molecules into sugar. Tagatose is a rare sugars because it occurs in nature but only in tiny quantities.

Tagatose is found in apples, some grains, and the cacao tree (from which chocolate is derived). Unfortunately, the amounts are so small that it would not be sustainable — environmentally or economically — to try to harvest tagatose from those plants.

content for 2 (Tagatose)

Tagatose is a delicious, versatile, rare sugar:

Occurs in tiny quantities in some fruits and grains.

Is not fake or weird tasting. Tagatose tastes nearly identical to sucrose (table sugar), without any bitter notes or off-flavors. 90% as sweet as regular sugar.

Similar technical properties as regular sugar; easy full or partial replacement of traditional sweeteners in a variety of foods & beverages.

Blends well with high-intensity sweeteners (e.g., Stevia), improving their flavor and providing bulk/mouthfeel.

Healthy: low glycemic index (only 3, compared to 68 for sucrose and 100 for glucose); safe for teeth; low-calorie; good for gut health.

Tagatose has been available commercially for over 15 years, but it is very expensive. The typical production process starts with relatively high-cost raw material (usually derived from milk), has expensive processing steps, and results in relatively low yields. Bonumose’s breakthrough process, however, starts with low-cost, abundant, plant-based raw material; has relatively inexpensive, enzymatic processing steps; and results in extremely high yields.

content for 1 (Overview)

We created Bonumose for the purpose of commercializing Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Daniel Wichelecki’s enzymatic technology breakthrough for the production of affordable, delicious, healthy tagatose. Since then, Bonumose has developed methods for producing additional affordable ingredients, such as allulose, allose, D-mannose, and others.

Bonumose’s vision is to earn a place among the world’s most trusted food ingredient manufacturers.

With a mindset of business as a moral imperative, Bonumose uses the acronym COVER to describe who, what, where and how we intend to serve:

Customers/Consumers: Through our affordable, delicious, healthy sugars, we will empower our food & beverage customers to produce tasty food without trade-offs. By sincerely and tirelessly serving our customers and theirs, the rest will fall into place.

Owners: We will create wealth for our owners.

Value Chain: We will enable wealth-creation opportunities for our suppliers, distribution partners, and others in the value chain.

Employees: We will support employees’ livelihoods, career development, and personal growth goals, helping them provide for themselves and their families through the dignity of meaningful work, in an environment of mutual respect and concern, while sharing in Company profit.

Realm: We intend to make a lasting, positive impact on the world through that which is mentioned above, including betterment of public health and private wealth.