content for 9 (Other)

Bonumose’s enzymatic technology platform is extendable to additional rare sugars including allulose, allose and others. Each of these will enjoy the same advantages of high-yields, high-purities, and cost-competitiveness compared to processes used by other companies.

content for 8 (Team)

Ed Rogers, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder. Mr. Rogers has 30 years of entrepreneurial business experience as a founder, investor, adviser and lawyer. Before co-founding Bonumose, he practiced law for 11 years, co-founded an animal food technology company based on university technology, and designed/implemented a grant-funded venture investment endowment for a foundation in rural Virginia. He has Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Virginia.

Daniel Wichelecki, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-Founder. Dr. Wichelecki is the inventor of Bonumose’s novel enzymatic pathway for low-cost tagatose production, as well as the processes for our growing portfolio of nourishing rare sugars. He also has rare expertise at discovering natural enzymes to perform desired functions. Dr. Wichelecki has degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (BS, Molecular and Cellular Biology; PhD, Biochemistry).

See our LinkedIn page for more about our team.

content for 6 (R&D)

We believe entrepreneurs must have a focus angel and a vision angel (in the shoulder angel sense). Focus is necessary, but not sufficient. Vision for new opportunities also is essential.

At Bonumose, we currently are focused on scaling up tagatose and other rare sugars to commercial production levels. But we also are expanding our portfolio of good-for-you sugars and functional food ingredients.

In addition to building innovative enzymatic pathways for production of our own ingredients, we sometimes use our enzyme discovery and enzymatic pathway design abilities in collaboration with third-party strategic partners.

Posted in R&D

content for 5 (Delicious)

First, and importantly, tagatose tastes great. Tagatose is not fake and is not weird-tasting. It does not have off-taste or bitter notes. Tagatose is 92% as sweet as sucrose (table sugar), and its sweetness is consistent with sucrose across all concentrations (see here). Bad taste is not a precondition of healthiness!