content for 4 (Healthy)

Tagatose is healthy and still great tasting:

Low glycemic. Tagatose has a glycemic index of 3 compared to 68 for sucrose and 100 for glucose. Consumption of tagatose does not increase blood sugar or insulin. In fact, tagatose was proven in phase 3 clinical trials to decrease blood sugar levels in diabetics, and is approved in European food labeling regulations for blood glucose lowering claims.

Safe for teeth. Tagatose does not cause dental cavities. In fact, tagatose is proven to break-up dental biofilm. So not only does it not hurt dental health, it actually improves it.

Low-calorie. Tagatose has only 38% of regular sugar’s calories. Tagatose is absorbed only 20% in the small intestine, with 80% entering the large intestine where it feeds the good gut bacteria. There’s evidence tagatose actually contributes to weight loss, not weight gain.

Prebiotic. Tagatose is a prebiotic. It is like soluble dietary fiber. In the large intestine, it increases the production of beneficial short-chain fatty acids, leading to a healthy gut. Good gut health is associated with good brain function and overall health.

Tagatose is not just not bad for you. It is good for you. Beyond benign, tagatose is beneficial. Here is more health information about tagatose.