content for 10 (Enzymes)

Enzymes are proteins that facilitate biochemical reactions. They convert one molecule into something else. In our bodies, as well as in our gardens, our pets, and even the bacteria living among us that we cannot see, enzymes are hard at work helping us all grow, survive and thrive by converting nutrients into energy.

Enzymes occur naturally in foods (e.g., pineapple, honey, banana, etc.) and also have been used for millennia to make food such as cheese and yogurt. In recent years, their use in food processing has expanded to many different types of products.

Bonumose has unique ability to discover enzymes to enable the economically and environmentally sustainable mass production of healthy ingredients from globally-abundant plant material. Because tagatose has the same number of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms as found in the glucose molecules linked together in plant-derived starch, Bonumose can utilize enzymes in a precise way to produce large quantities of affordable, pure, nutritious good-for-you tagatose in an economical and environmentally sustainable fashion.